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Maintenance is Key

Imagine calling a meeting at your property. It's just you and the ground squirrels that have been tearing up your land and eating your plants. You offer them a few seeds and nuts as you talk to them about how their holes are a safety hazard and explain how much their damage is costing you. After you are done reasoning with them and recommend where they can go to get rid of the fleas so they lessen the chances of carrying bubonic plague, you say your goodbyes. The ground squirrels then grab a few things from their burrows and scurry off your land to a far away place.

Now wake up! :)

If you have land that provides food, water and nice ground for shelter, ground squirrels are going to want to live there. Coyotes, hawks and eagles will help control their populations, but often there are too few predators and too many ground squirrels.

The Burrow Blocker machine modifies their habitat by eliminating their burrow. The ground squirrels that are trapped underground are absorbed into the earth, and their food supply and shelter are not available for another rodent. Once you have filled all of the ground squirrel holes on your property, you will see very few ground squirrels, if any. If your property is next to a park or agricultural land that is not treating their ground squirrel populations, they might move to your land because it is now open territory.

The Ground Squirrel Hunters - they find the hole, the Burrow Blocker fills it.

Ground squirrels are part of the natural landscape and you will not eliminate all of them no matter what you do. Even if you use poisonous baits, gases, and explosives, new ground squirrels will find your property. With those methods you run the risk of poisoning your pets, hawks and other wildlife, and even injuring yourself.

With any pest control, maintenance is key. Ask a farm cat. They are always hunting, because they know that rodents always seem to find their way to the food. If you see a new ground squirrel hole, it's time to get your Burrow Blocker out and fill that hole before a family of those destructive rodents makes your land their new home.


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