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The Coyote - Nature's Ground Squirrel Control

Coyotes - whether you love them or hate them, you have to admit they are excellent ground squirrel control. Small mammals such as, ground squirrels and rabbits, make up most of the coyote's dinner menu.They will also go after livestock and eat carrion. The livestock part is what makes coyotes the enemy of many ranchers.
When lambs or llamas are being born at our ranch, coyotes seem appear from out of nowhere. Our llamas are usually the first to spot the coyote. They sound the alarm at the ranch with their "Xena Warrior Princess" yells. Our three Great Pyrenees will reply in loud barks and race to find the coyote. The llamas will often already be running toward the coyote with the miniature donkeys, not far behind. The sheep will get the message and run into their pen. We humans, will try to keep up with all of the action and may spot a llama chasing the coyote to the fence or the dogs chasing it in the hills. As long as no one gets hurt, it makes for exciting entertainment.
After a coyote spotting, we head out and check the fences and fill where they tunneled under. Unless an animal is giving birth, coyotes don't make many appearances on our ranch anymore. Maybe it's because we took care of our ground squirrel problem with the Burrow Blocker. Even though we rarely see them, or the fur and bones left behind from their prey, the coyotes still let us know they are out there. At night, the hills are filled with coyotes singing, with their "raising the hair on the back on your neck" howls and yelps.
It amazes me how everyone on the ranch works together as a team to protect each other. A coyote doesn't stand a chance against a family bond like that. Good thing for the coyotes, the neighbor's cows are happy to see them get rid of the ground squirrels in their pasture.


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