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Do Ground Squirrels Hibernate?

Ground Squirrel Control Never Takes a Holiday 
Rocky, the ground squirrel hunter, loves the Burrow Blocker
Rocky, the Ground Squirrel Hunter, working in the Burrow Blocker office.
Did you notice that ground squirrels are still busy destroying crops, landscaping, and causing other costly problems?  At Burrow Blocker, we have been inundated with calls and emails from people struggling to eradicate the ground squirrels on their property. It's December already! Don't these devouring, diggers ever sleep?

Someone needs to let the California Ground Squirrels know that the nature books and websites say that they hibernate for several months of the year. Some ground squirrels, like the Piute, in Idaho and Wyoming, hibernate for around 8 months. Actually, they often go from summer estivation, straight to hibernation. Why can't it be like that here? On second thought, I've talked to people in Idaho with ground squirrel problems. For only being awake 4 months a year, they create an overwhelming amount of trouble and destruction. Fortunately, they purchased a Burrow Blocker and have used it to get their ground squirrel overpopulation under control.
Back to California squirrels... 

Did they really discover the magical powers of coffee?!!!
Don't worry, ground squirrels haven't started visiting Starbucks. If you are in Southern California, the reason you see so many ground squirrels, is because December is mating season. That means, unless you do something about all of those ground squirrels, soon you'll have even more of the them to deal with. In Northern California, the male ground squirrels, hibernate a month earlier than the females and young. They also wake up a month earlier. When the weather is warm like it has been, they postpone and sometimes even avoid hibernation altogether.

When you are hanging your Christmas lights, remember the ground squirrels may not give you a break this year. After you're done decorating, I suggest you pour yourself a cup of coffee and give me a call. We can discuss your ground squirrel problems and I can provide you with a green solution.

Check out the UC Davis IPM site for additional ground squirrel info:


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