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Ground Squirrel Damage

What kind of damage do ground squirrels' chewing and digging cause?

1.  Destroy Irrigation
Ground Squirrel Water Fountains make for a costly and time consuming day. Whether they are thirsty or just like to to chew, either way ground squirrels wreak havoc on irrigation systems. Water is wasted, erosion occurs and the trees or crops don't get the water they need to grow.
Burrow Blocker - Get Rid of Ground Squirrels
Mark Trost with Squirrel Busters, discovered this "water fountain"in an almond orchard he was treating with his Burrow Blocker. Mark provides ground squirrel control service in the Madera, CA area.

2.   Holes...lots of holes.
Mention ground squirrel damage and that's the first thing people complain about - holes. It goes far beyond messing up landscaping, which is also a costly problem. Holes are a safety hazard and a liability at parks, farms, and schools. 

3.  Erosion/Levy Safety Issues
Ground squirrels digging along canals and levies are a disaster waiting to happen. Their burrows can divert irrigation water and have been known to cause severe damage to levies and other water retention systems. Add heavy rains to burrow systems and the erosion can result in hill slides, serious root erosion in orchards and levy breaches.
Burrow Blocker Ground Squirrel Control
California irrigation canal with ground squirrel damage.

The photos say it all. Ground squirrels can do an incredible amount of damage. The next question is what can we do about it?

If you have ground squirrel damage photos you'd like to share or if you want to talk about ground squirrels, call or email me. 


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