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Why Do I Have Ground Squirrel Problems?

3 Reasons Why You Have Ground Squirrel Problems

Whether you are growing food, raising animals or just enjoying the view - burrowing rodents like ground squirrels, are motivated to move in and take over. The best way to win the ground squirrel battle, is to start by looking at your property from the destructive digger's perspective.

1. Food

Burrow Blocker - Ground Squirrels & Chickens

Do you have chickens? No, don't worry, the ground squirrels aren't eating your chickens! They might go after an egg, but what they really crave is chicken feed. You might as well put up a sign that says, "All You Can Eat Buffet." If you seem to be going through more chicken feed than usual, be sure to watch for squirrels.

Below is a chunky California ground squirrel that obviously is a frequent visitor to the chickens' pen.
CA Ground Squirrel - Burrow Blocker

If you don't have chickens, the ground squirrels will also steal food from sheep, goats, horses, llamas and cows. They can even create hay hotels by digging tunnels throughout the haystack, providing 24/7 room service.

Gardens, orchards and fields are also popular dining locations for the voracious ground squirrel.

2. Water

Burrow Blocker - Ground Squirrel chew irrigation

Do you have easy access to water, like a pond, creek or irrigation? Ground squirrels act like irrigation lines are their personal water fountains. It doesn't take many chomps to quench their thirst and end up flooding an area. Wasting precious water and creating the extra work and cost of repairing irrigation lines, is a typical day in the life of these rodents.

3. Shelter
Burrow Blocker - Ground Squirrel Damage
Do you have any good hiding places? Maybe a wood pile, scrap metal or even a shed? Whether it's a lush pasture, orchard, manicured athletic field or lawn, ground squirrels can easily dig in and take over. They also tunnel and burrow under storage containers, sidewalks and driveways. 
Ground squirrels burrow on sidewalks

Ground squirrels dig dangerous holes in athletic fields

After surveying your land and identifying where your property provides food, water and ground for shelter - it's obvious why ground squirrels want to live there. Coyotes, hawks and eagles will help control their populations, but often there are too few predators and too many ground squirrels. Also, i
f your property is next to a park or agricultural lands that are not treating their ground squirrel overpopulation, they will soon find their way to your place.

If you have any questions about ground squirrels or prairie dogs and their treatment, contact me and I'll help you find your best solution. Another option, is attending my Ground Squirrel presentation with PAPA Seminars and earn pest control CEU. 

My next PAPA Seminar presentation will be on July 21, 2022 in Santa Rosa, CA.

Enjoy this beautiful Spring - and contact me if burrowing rodents are driving you crazy!

(925) 634-9204

Burrow Blocker Ground Squirrel & Prairie Dog Control


  1. Israeli lawyer Moshe Strugano, an expert in the “formation of offshore companies" says,Burrowing rodents like ground squirrels are motivated to move in and take over, regardless of whether you are cultivating food, raising animals, or simply taking in the scenery.The greatest strategy for defeating ground squirrels is to first consider your property from the viewpoint of the destructive digger.

  2. Thank you for sharing this post. We have to know this At Al Waha Hygiene Pest Control and Facilities Services Company. this is valuable information about Squirrel Control Services.

  3. Termite control is not just about eradicating pests; it's about preserving the beauty of Dubai's homes. Regular maintenance keeps your property looking pristine.Visit Pest Control in Dubai

  4. Nice post. You describe the information of Flying squirrel very well..I really appreciate your work, keep it up
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