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Ground Squirrels in the Winter - Hibernate or Not?

It's February and the Ground Squirrels Are Not Social Distancing! 

California Ground Squirrels

In California, the governor has lifted the Stay at Home Order. Too bad ground squirrels considered themselves essential diggers and never took a break from their destructive ways. There are numerous reports of ground squirrels running all over the place, destroying land, devouring crops and gathering in groups.

Ground squirrels are out in the winter for different reasons. In higher elevations and colder areas, they are more likely to hibernate. In Northern California, the male ground squirrels, hibernate a month earlier than the females and young. They also wake up a month earlier. When the weather is warm like it has been, they postpone and sometimes even avoid hibernation altogether. The young males are more likely to skip hibernation.

So is the excessive digging all to be blamed on the boys? It could be, but the winter has been so dry and warm this year, that in parts of California, the females skipped hibernation, too.

Burrow Blocker Ground Squirrel Eradication

If you are in an area where the ground squirrels are hibernating, it may seem like your rodent issues have gone away. Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean that you you no longer have a problem. This is an excellent time to use the Burrow Blocker. Eliminate the holes and your ground squirrel problem at the same time.

If you choose not to treat the problem, don't be surprised if the ground squirrels are still out digging and devouring this winter and preparing to add to their numbers this spring. In fact, mating season is starting in much of California - at least it is for the ground squirrels. Their mating season peaks March - June. That means, unless you do something about all of those ground squirrels, soon you'll have even more of the them and their costly damage to deal with. 

If you have any questions about ground squirrels or prairie dogs and their treatment, contact me and I'll help you find your best solution. Another option, is attending my Ground Squirrel presentation with PAPA Seminars and earn pest control CEU. For now, the PAPA Seminars are online.

My next PAPA Seminar presentation will be on March 10, 2021 via Zoom.

Stay healthy - and contact me if the ground squirrels are driving you crazy!

(925) 634-9204


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