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Do Ground Squirrels Climb Trees?


California Ground Squirrel

If the squirrel is climbing a tree, it's a tree squirrel and if it's digging in the ground, it must be a ground squirrel, right? Sometimes that's correct, but since these critters are squirrelly, they play by different rules.

Most of us have seen tree squirrels running on the grass and then scurry up a tree. You may have seen tree squirrels bury their nuts in a hole or hide them in a hollowed out tree. They may even leave their favorite tree, so they can raid a bird feeder or chase a fellow tree squirrel.

Ground squirrels are expert diggers that create extensive burrow systems that provide protection from predators and the elements and also provide living areas and food storage. Usually, ground squirrels stay pretty close to a tunnel entrance so they have a quick place to duck and hide from a hungry hawk or coyote.

Ground Squirrel by Hole

Ground squirrels venture away from their burrows to forage for food, expand their territory or look for a mate. When they are out on these excursions, and they feel vulnerable, they will run for cover. That could be in a hole, under a building, in a stack of wood or a debris pile - or up a tree.

Ground Squirrel In a Tree

Yes, ground squirrels will leave the ground and escape up into a tree. They will also climb trees, raid birds' nests, eat leaves, and strip the bark from young trees. It all depends upon their appetite and the available food in the area.

Ground Squirrel Climbs a Tree

People often say that the fastest way to tell you are looking at a ground squirrel or a tree squirrel is to startle them and see if they scurry up a tree or in a hole. That may be the fastest, but now you know it may not be correct.

In addition to their location, check out their appearance. Tree squirrels have bushier and longer tails to help with balance needed to climb trees.  Ground squirrels' tails are and little shorter and more stream-lined. The coat of a ground squirrel may have stripes or spots and the tree squirrels' is usually solid with a white belly. Tree squirrels are usually larger than ground squirrels and their ears are more rounded.

If squirrels are causing damage on your property, there is another important difference to keep in mind. Most states, as in California, consider ground squirrels to be a pest and rank them right up there with mice and rats. That means when dealing with ground squirrel overpopulations and problems, the Department of Pest Regulation and local Agricultural Commissioners oversee the rules regarding their population control. Tree Squirrels are usually in the wildlife category and the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines how to deal with them.

If you need continuing education units, my next PAPA Seminar presentation will be on May 18th, 2021 via Zoom.

Stay healthy - and contact me if the ground squirrels are driving you crazy!
(925) 634-9204


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