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Coyotes and Badgers - Hunting Buddies

Are you dealing with ground squirrel or prairie dog problems? Maybe you should consider inviting a coyote and a badger to your place for a hunting trip.

Burrow Blocker uses no poisons - keep coyotes and hawks safe.
Coyote striking a pose while ground squirrel hunting on our ranch. He couldn't find any, so he went to the neighbor's.

Coyotes like to hunt and chase down ground squirrels. Badgers like to hunt and dig up ground squirrels hiding in their burrows. Since coyotes are best at the above ground hunt and badgers excel at digging up their prey, the two make excellent hunting partners. 

Native American's observed this unlikely pairing of badgers and coyotes and wove it into their folklore. Scientists have studied their association and have found witnessing these hunting buddies is a challenge because they prefer to stay clear of human interaction. 

Here's some rare and amazing video footage showing coyotes and badgers hunting together:

Here's a video from Animal Planet showing the Badger and Coyote Hunting Buddies:

If Ground Squirrels or Prairie Dogs are a big problem on your property and you're not up for having a Coyote and Badger hunting party visit, call or email me and we can figure out a green solution that won't harm the coyotes, badgers and other predators.

Lisa (925) 634-9204
Burrow Blocker
Ground Squirrel & Prairie Dog Control
No Poisons, No Gases, No Chemicals

***Visit me at the PAPA Seminar next Wednesday, August 17th, in Riverside, California! I'll be sharing organic and green methods to control ground squirrels. 

Burrow Blocker - Ground Squirrel Control - Keep other animals safe
Can you spot who the llamas are watching?


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