Even if they look cute and furry,
From the Grand Canyon - National Park Service https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/nature/wildlife_alert.htm |
But the squirrel likes me! It ran right up to me and begged...
The squirrel looked hungry...
The signs are for other people - not me.
It's okay, I know what to feed them.
Squirrels know how to read?
http://www.thereluctantadventurerblog.com/2011_06_01_archive.html |
"Oh the ground squirrel is so cute," is not a good reason to feed it. Some "people" food can be toxic to animals and they can become dependent upon food from humans. This can lead to aggression and attacking people to get food.
Do you know what animals is considered the most dangerous animal in Grand Canyon National Park? The rock squirrel. Every year, dozens of visitors are bitten when they attempt to feed these squirrels. By the way, it is illegal to feed the animals at National Parks.
The bottom line...obey the signs.
Be safe & have fun outside!
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