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Rodent Holes Lead to Injuries & Liability

Can you spot the ground squirrel hole?
Burrow Blocker Ground Squirrel Control
Ground squirrel and prairie dog holes can make walking or running across a field, a dangerous game. 

Burrow Blocker fills ground squirrel and prairie dog holes
Burrow Blocker fills ground squirrel and prairie dog holes

Adults and children have sprained and even broken their ankles in ground squirrel and prairie dog holes.

Burrow Blocker - Ground Squirrel & Prairie Dog Control - Fills the holes

Imagine playing soccer on this field...keep your eye on the ball and watch for holes! Soccer tournaments, baseball games, and other athletic events have been cancelled on school fields because the officials refused to allow their athletes to play under such dangerous conditions.
Burrow Blocker - Prairie Dog and Ground Squirrel Control - Fills holes
It's much more than a financial liability,
it's an obligation to keep playing fields safe.

Burrow Blocker is the one-step effective green method that safety-minded schools, universities, cities, counties, businesses, and ranchers use to eliminate ground squirrels, prairie dogs, and their holes. 

Lisa can help you - call (925) 634-9204.
Burrow Blocker fills ground squirrel holes with slurry of sand and water. Start with a hole and end up with this:
Ground Squirrel Hole filled by the Burrow Blocker.
BURROW BLOCKER is the Green Solution
Stops New Ground Squirrels Before they Emerge from their Holes
  • Controls Ground Squirrel/Prairie Dog Populations
  • Eliminates Hazardous Holes
  • No Poisons, Chemicals or Explosives
  • No Hole = No Home for Neighboring Squirrels
  • Prevents Injuries and Damage to Equipment
  • Effective IPM Solution 
  • Successfully used at: Colleges, Athletic Parks, Schools, Orchards, Airports, Organic Farms, Business Parks, Equestrian Centers, Dairies, Alfalfa Fields, and Housing Developments
  • References Available
The patented Burrow Blocker machine fills ground squirrel holes with a slurry of sand and water. In one step, the destructive rodent and its hole are eliminated.
Burrow Blocker is a family-owned business
in Northern California

Gets Rid of Ground Squirrels & Prairie Dogs without poison


Control Prairie Dogs without poisons, explosives or gases
(925) 634-9204

Need Pest Control CEU?
Lisa is Speaking
at Upcoming 
PAPA Seminars:
June 20 - Oxnard
July 12 - San Diego
August 9 - Fresno
August 10 - San Bernardino
September 21 - Sacramento
October 5 - Bakersfield
CA DPR License #38299


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