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Why Do I Have Ground Squirrel Problems?

3 Reasons Why You Have Ground Squirrel Problems Whether you are growing food, raising animals or just enjoying the view - burrowing rodents like ground squirrels, are motivated to move in and take over. The best way to win the ground squirrel battle, is to start by looking at your property from the destructive digger's perspective. 1. Food Do you have chickens? No, don't worry, the ground squirrels aren't eating your chickens! They might go after an egg, but what they really crave is chicken feed. You might as well put up a sign that says, "All You Can Eat Buffet." If you seem to be going through more chicken feed than usual, be sure to watch for squirrels. Below is a chunky California ground squirrel that obviously is a frequent visitor to the chickens' pen. If you don't have chickens, the ground squirrels will also steal food from sheep, goats, horses, llamas and cows. They can even create hay hotels by digging tunnels throughout the haystac...
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Do Ground Squirrels Climb Trees?

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Ground Squirrels Are Digging Up My Driveway!

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3 Resources to Help Eliminate Ground Squirrel Problems

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Rodents Stressed Out During COVID-19 Pandemic

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5 Ground Squirrel Facts We Bet You Don’t Know

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